What's On Tonight: Fall Asleep to the Soothing Tones of Louis C.K. and Emma Stone

US Olympic Trials (NBC, 8 pm) — Still better than “The Paul Reiser Show.”

WWE Monday Night Raw (USA, 9 p.m.) — “Android Apocalypse” star Chris Jericho returns to “Raw,” which seems like the kind of thing that matters to those who visit With Leather’s very thorough discussion thread.

Sexiest Geeks (TV Guide Channel, 9 p.m.) — I spent an embarrassing amount of time this past weekend watching “Saved by the Bell” on MTV2 (one hour), and I have decided that Screech’s one-time girlfriend, Violet (played by pre-insufferable Tori Spelling), should be on this list.

Gene Simmons Family Jewels (A&E, 9 p.m.) — This has been on for SEVEN YEARS. After seven years, Kiss released Unmasked, which is a terrible album. This is a terrible show. At least Simmons is consistent.

Hollywood Exes (VH1, 10 p.m.) — The former wives of Prince, R. Kelly, Will Smith, Eddie Murphy, and Jose Canseco (???) talk about their crazy ex-husbands and perform a supergroup version of “Party All the Time.”

LATE NIGHT GUESTS: Emma Stone on Letterman; Louis C.K. on Leno; Katy Perry and the Offspring on Kimmel; Elijah Wood on Ferguson; Charlie Sheen on Fallon; Mila Kunis on Conan; Marco Rubio on Stewart; and Frank Deford on Colbert.