Rosie O’Donnell Calls Donald Trump’s Recent Comments Part Of A ‘War On Women’

Rosie O'Donnell
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Comedian Rosie O’Donnell called into SiriusXM’s Just Jenny on Wednesday to call Donald Trump’s comments against Megyn Kelly part of “the war on women.”

O’Donnell, who Trump notoriously called fat several years ago, defended Kelly against Trump’s criticism that the Fox News debate moderator had “blood coming out of her wherever,” when she asked Trump a pointed question about past sexist comments. O’Donnell said: “Why do you think she did that? …When Fox anchors are being accused of being hormonal and ashamed because they have their period.”

The comedian then links Trump’s treatment of Kelly to Kiran Gandhi, who ran the London marathon while on her period without a tampon to widespread controversy. “You don’t think she did that to say, ‘F*ck you a**h0le?!’ ”

The comedian also put Trump’s comments into wider context, just as Kelly did, regarding a “war on women”: “Bigger than any specific people, there is a war on women that is happening in this country. Women fought for equality in this country, and right now, politically, it’s being taken away from us.”

Donald Trump, the current frontrunner for the Republican nomination, has taken a lot of heat for his recent sexist comments against O’Donnell and Kelly. Right after the Republican presidential debate, O’Donnell had the perfect response to the candidate evoking her name again:

(Via ET)