Emily Blunt, Jack Black, And More Fell Victim To ‘Mean Tweets Week’ On ‘Kimmel’

Update: Video now has the full run of mean tweets

Once again, Jimmy Kimmel is continuing his run of Mean Tweets this week, though tonight bumped the celebrity count to four live on the stage. Emily Blunt, Salma Hayek, Andrew Garfield and Jack Black were each subject to Twitter’s worst. Or in Black’s case, the most blunt. I would say that Black gets it the worst so far this week, but that’s up to the viewer obviously.

Garfield is likely just happy that he doesn’t have to jump into the Spider-Man costume ever again (though the checks are going to be missed). I don’t know why anybody would ever say anything mean about him, but it happened. The ones that are surprising are Blunt and Hayek. Two ladies that I can’t think about much there is to dislike about them and here they are, dealing with mean tweets on national television.

It feels wrong. Very, very wrong that someone would go at them. Pick on somebody like The Rock, ya know! Oh, wait, they did. Last night. I guess this is just the next logical step. Carry on Mean Tweeters. Keep making increasingly mean tweets about Jack Black and spread that hate around. Don’t listen to reason.

(Via Jimmy Kimmel Live)