‘Jessica Jones’ Throws A Barroom Blitz In This New Teaser

Mostly what we’ve learned about Jessica Jones from Netflix’s trailer is that she’s no fan of alarm clocks. But that’s the morning after; this teaser is concerned with the night before. And the night before apparently involved a barfight that everybody else lost.

Of particular interest, beyond the fact that Jessica could throw Daredevil in the Hudson from where she’s standing, is that she seems to meet Luke Cage in this particular scene. Compare the bar background from the penultimate shot to this photo of Luke:

True, it’s just a generic dingy bar in Hell’s Kitchen, but hey, she needs to meet Luke somehow. People meet in bars all the time, just not usually after a display of superstrength beating the crap out of everybody inside it.

That said, while I’m enjoying these little slice of life teasers, I hope Netflix drops a full trailer soon. Both because I’m intensely curious about the show’s tone beyond fistfights, and also because somebody on the Internet is already collecting dialogue from Don’t Trust The B—- in Apartment 23 to change its meaning completely. I can’t wait for Jessica Jones to ask Hellcat if she wants to get weird and play Mario Kart.

(Via Netflix)