The Former CEO Of Twitter Is Now A Consultant On ‘Silicon Valley’

The HBO comedy Silicon Valley is a razor sharp, hilarious satire of the tech world that pokes fun at everything from industry giants like Google and Facebook to strange venture capitalists to the entire culture of start-ups. There are also dick jokes. Lots and lots of dick jokes. It’s a good show.

The third season is currently being dreamed up, and in addition to the usual collection of writers and producers and such, creator Mike Judge has added a new voice to the process: Former Twitter CEO (and former improv comedy student) Dick Costolo. From Bloomberg:

[S]how creator Mike Judge said the writers use Costolo as a sounding board to ensure that story lines are plausible. “He’s a funny guy,” Judge said in the interview, taped at a Vanity Fair conference in San Francisco. “It’s just great to be able to be spinning stories, coming up with ideas, and just go, ‘Hey, Dick, would this ever happen?'”

Having someone like Costolo around to bounce things off of is probably quite helpful, both to help keep the fictional things true-ish and to tap for real stories than can be turned into plots. It’s also nice because it makes me think there might have been a SWOT board in the Twitter offices titled “Let Zuckerberg Die.” Plenty to be happy about here.