Beyonce And Jay Z Bought The Mansion From ‘The Big Lebowski’

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If only Beyonce gave interviews. If only she captioned her Instagram photos. If only she simply existed in the same world as the rest of us. Yes, if only any of those things were a reality than perhaps we might know whether or not her and Jay Z buying the mansion used in The Big Lebowski was because they were huge fans of the movie or simply looking to expand their empire west.

Sadly, it seems like we’ll never know. What a shame.

All we do know is that the Carters recently purchased the mansion for a cool $45 million. It had previously belonged to former Dodgers owner Frank McCourt. The Carters initially put in a bid for the quaint little starter home, only to be outbid by a mysterious billionaire from England. Said British billionaire had a change of heart, though, opening the door for Beyonce and Jay to swoop in and snag that home with the yard Blue Ivy has no doubt been yearning for.

In The Big Lebowski, the mansion served as the home of Jeffrey Lebowski – not the dope-smoking bowling enthusiast played by Jeff Bridges, but the disgruntled rich hombre played by David Huddleston who was bummed that his dear Bunny has run off.

(Via Entertainment Weekly)