Let’s Liveblog Wednesday’s Geeky TV: ‘Arrow’ Gets Small With Ray Palmer

The ongoing march to plug Legends of Tomorrow and make up what happened with Superman Returns to Brandon Routh continues, as Ray Palmer makes his comeback tonight. As it’s revealed that he’s been trapped in a glass by Damien Darhk. Man, that has to sting when an evil mage doesn’t even whip out any magic to capture you.

We all knew Roy was coming back; it’s not like the CW has even been pretending he actually died in that explosion. However, the question does become how to find the guy, since he’s now three apples tall, and how to steal him back from somebody who has pretty much handed Team Arrow their asses at every opportunity. Oh, also, two members of the team, Thea and the newly-resuscitated Sara, have a need to murder people. Surely that won’t cause things to go terribly awry!

One suspects Ray will whip out something good at the last minute. Then they’ll just have to deal with the fact that Felicity’s ex is not, in fact, dead and might be wondering about that whole “ex” deal. Also, Felicity’s mom is back, which is great, because Ms. Smoak is always good for some funny moments. The whole party starts at 8 p.m. EST, on the CW. Join us, won’t you?