Let’s Liveblog Tonight’s Geeky TV: ‘Arrow’ Finishes Off A Two-Parter

Yesterday on The Flash, we learned that nothing good can ever happen to Cisco Ramon, which he probably deserves for calling Barry by his real name while he was in costume. Not only does the first girl he’s liked in a while turn out to be a superhero, Hawkgirl, she also happens to be eternally tied to Hawkman, a superhero who seems singularly unable to figure out how creepy he sounds when he tells a woman who barely knows him they’re meant to be together. But hey, at least she’s got superpowers.

This episode picks up with Vandal Savage seemingly using the McGuffin from the last episode to set off a nuclear explosion. At least, that’s what we’re assuming he does, since there aren’t a lot of weapons that turn people into fireballs, which you can see happens in the clip above. Also of interest is how Savage gets away, since he’s the bad guy in Legends of Tomorrow, which this crossover is more or less an extended promotion for. It’s arriving on January 21, in case you were wondering.

Hopefully this will also have fewer holiday parties, because getting tanked in Ollie’s apartment really slowed down yesterday’s episode. We’ll find out tonight at 8 p.m. on the CW. Join us, won’t you?