This 110-Year-Old Woman Gives The Best TV Interview Ever, Even If She’d Rather Not Be There

Good Day Spokane is likely a lovely morning television program. The hosts seem nice, Spokane seems nice, the friendly “Good Day” in the title seems nice. Nice, nice, nice. You could probably do worse for something to have in the background while icing toaster strudels, but now this morning show has vaulted up hundreds of notches in our eyes because it gave us a contender for interview of the century thanks to their chat with 110-year-old Flossie Dickey.

The chipper morning enthusiasm of Good Day Spokane anchor Nichole Mischke ran right into the buzzsaw of an elderly woman’s extreme indifference on live television and the results are glorious. Dickey, who has the name of a mid-level Riff Raff entourage member, wasn’t in the mood to play along with Mischke’s friendly softball questions. Here’s what our bud Flossie Dickey is about: Naps, more naps, answering questions just so this lady will stop, additional naps, holding a mug, more naps, pointing out the futility of leaving flowers on her lap, whiskey (according to a more talkative interview subject), naps and NAAAAAAAAPS.

Here’s a sample exchange from the newly formed comedy team of Mischke & Dickey!

Mischke: Later today Flossie’s family is going to be coming out here to throw you a big birthday party. Are you excited for your party?

Dickey: Not one bit.

Mischke: You would rather be taking a nap, huh?

Dickey: (the silence of a 110-year-old woman that doesn’t have to answer these questions)

Incredible. We have the clip nestled at the top of the post if you’d like to give it a gander.

(via Tastefully Offensive)