Daisy Ridley Has The Perfect Excuse For Rejecting That Viral Dance Invitation

Star Wars: The Force Awakens star Daisy Ridley received a strange proposal in February — but probably not the strangest one she’ll ever get — from a college student. In the video above, Kevin Carlock of Davidson College in North Carolina asked Ridley to accompany him to the school’s Spring Athlete’s Formal. Because asking celebrities to a dance via a viral video is definitely a thing now, whether you’re blue-ing yourself for Jennifer Lawrence or landing an actual date with Mila Kunis.

Ridley has now responded to the video, posting a completely understandable rejection letter on her Instagram which references both the final scene of The Force Awakens and the opening scene of Star Wars: Episode VIII, which is now filming.


Kevin Carlock,
Thank you so much for that brilliant invite to your formal. Unfortunately I’m locked in an INTENSE staring competition with Luke Skywalker, somewhere in the middle of the galaxy [sic], so I won’t be able to make it! Let me know how it goes! Have fun!
Daisy / Rey XO

She’s locked into an intense staring contest with Mark Hamill, you guys, and it’s going to take a while.

In fact, it could take several months…

Not gonna lie, we’d still watch that.

(Via The Mary Sue)