Dany’s Epic Burn And Other ‘Game Of Thrones’ Lines You’ll Be Repeating All Week

Game of Thrones is now four episodes into season six, the first season of the show that takes place largely past the point that George R.R. Martin has written up to. A lot of people were worried that the show might suffer a downturn without Martin’s excellent prose to draw from, but it’s obvious that the quality is still there. In fact, every episode continues to excite us and gift us with memorable wordplay that we’re just dying to try and shoehorn into our everyday conversations.

So, here’s five of the best quotes from the latest episode, “Book of the Stranger.”

“We make peace with our enemies, not our friends.”

This one’s a retread of something Littlefinger told Ned Stark back in season one. “Make peace with the Lannisters, the people who tried to murder my boy?” Ned asked. “We only make peace with our enemies, my lord,” Littlefinger replied. “That’s why it’s called ‘making peace.'” Perfect for convincing your spouse not to go to war with the neighbors over some petty feud, or advising your daughter not to take on the Mean Girls at school.

“Shall we throw him through the Moon Door?”

Despite the time away, Robin Arryn is still the same toxic little sh*t that suckled at his mother’s teat while demanding she make people who annoy him fly. Still, this is the perfect line to drop when dealing with boorish behavior at a house party. Sadly, most houses don’t actually have a moon door installed, but it’s the sentiment that counts.

“Many will die no matter what we do. Better them than us.”

There’s Lady Olenna once again living up to her nickname as Queen of Thorns. One has to wonder how many times a line like this has been spoken by rulers through history. It’s almost always followed up by a bloodbath, and unfortunately for the Tyrells, I don’t think it’s going to turn out in their favor. Cersei is the “Better them than us” type, too, and she considers anyone whose name doesn’t end in “annister” to be a part of “them.”

“I should have been born a Dothraki.”

Uttered by Daario after watching a couple of free-spirited Dothraki mating in the streets of Vaes Dothrak, it’s the perfect wistful proclamation for any time you wish you could quit your desk job to ride a stallion across the great grass sea.

“And here, now, what great matters do the Great Khals discuss? Which little villages you’ll raid, how many girls you’ll get to f*ck, how many horses you’ll demand in tribute? You are small men. None of you are fit to lead the Dothraki. But I am. So I will.”

The words of Daenerys Targaryen moments before she burned the Temple of the Dosh Khaleen to the ground with all the Khals in it. Not only did she wipe out the entire leadership structure of the Dothraki in one fell swoop, she did it while spitting some the illest disses I’ve heard outside of a rap battle. Mocking their great matters, their little conquests, and their small manhoods? Damn, Khaleesi. Burn.