Emilia Clarke Shows That A Khaleesi Can Still Be Great At Pranks

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While Daenarys Targaryen may have spent the last episode of Game of Thrones reminding us all why she’s the rightful ruler of Westeros, Emilia Clarke is proving to be one to fear on a less deadly scale. A quick perusal of Clarke’s Instagram shows that she is much more fun than her Thrones counterpart, and apparently that mischievous spirit is frequently expressed through pranks.

Apparently in between filming Dany’s fiery takedown of the Dothraki patriarchy in the temple of the Dosh Khaleen, her co-star, Joseph Naufahu, who portrayed Khal Moro, would take advantage of the downtime to get a little shut eye. Enter Clarke, who took the opportunity to cover his face and arms with Dothraki phrases, especially ‘Qoy Qoyi’ (“blood of my blood”), eschewing the more traditionally phallic approach (it is the Khaleesi way). Naufahu probably should have expected this kind of behavior, because apparently this is not the first time Clarke had chosen him as her prank victim. According to Vulture:

“I had my dessert sitting on the table, and she decided to smear the dessert on me,” he [Naufahu] said. “She put caramel fudge all over my fingers, all over my costume, and she was about to feed it to me, but I woke up. I woke up with a spoon in my mouth.”

I’m sure the costuming department was thrilled. Still, this fate was way better than being roasted alive.

(Via MTV)