An Eight-Year-Old Fan Wrote Leslie Jones The Absolutely Sweetest Note

Actress, comedian and enthusiastic American Leslie Jones is experiencing a summer full of unexpected twists. In the midst of celebrating her blockbuster Ghostbusters reboot, she was cyber-bullied thanks to racist comments made by Breitbart tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos (whose account was later suspended). She also experienced sexist backlash against the film’s predominantly female casting and had to call out fashion designers for their initial silence when it came to dressing her for the premiere.

But through it all, Jones has maintained her warm, spunky sense of humor and has made it one of her missions to spread positivity and kindness, and it has not gone unnoticed. One young fan who goes by “Julian” has been especially inspired by Jones and her Ghostbusters performance, and so he crafted a handwritten note to her, full of positive affirmations that are simple but touching, reminding Jones that next time she feels down, to remember that people are just jealous; she’s a Ghostbuster and they’re not.

The card reads:

“Dear Leslie Jones,Forget what they say on the Internet. They’re just jelous [sic]. You’re a Ghostbuster and they’re not. You are a wonderful person and a great actor. Keep being yourself! Love, Julian, 8-9. P. You have a great smile and what’s your favorite superhero?”

And then there’s this, perhaps the response that speaks for us all: