A ‘Gotham’ Star Thinks Superboy Should Make A Cameo

Gotham, as we’ve noted before, is utterly and gloriously, unhinged. The second season had some truly great moments and even an interesting arc for Jim Gordon as he went from white knight to dirty cop with hopeful motives. It also had a surprising number of people blown to bits for a network drama, and now David Mazouz thinks they should throw Superboy into the mix.

To be fair, Mazouz thinks it should just be a cameo, and his idea would be pretty neat:

Going back to the Superman, you know, Clark Kent as a teenager saves a busload of kids from drowning, right? It would just be really cool to just start a scene in the GCPD and just pan, like start on a newspaper that says, 15-year-old boy in Metropolis saves busload of kids from drowning. And then just pan up and have a regular scene that has nothing to do with the headline.

Considering the show will have, next season, pretty much every Batman villain running around Gotham, including an evil twin of Bruce Wayne and a new and improved Fish Mooney who can do Jedi mind tricks, really this wouldn’t be pushing the show’s credibility very far. Heck, a teenage Zod running around Gotham probably wouldn’t be too weird for this show. We’ll find out if any Kryptonians make their way to Gotham on Sept. 19.

(Via IGN)