Red Hot Chili Peppers Shut Down Fox News Dissing Their Band In The Best Way Possible

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Among all of the battles that Fox News has waged against the left, one of the network’s stranger targets was the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Earlier this month, Fox News called the Chili Peppers “the worst band in the universe” and now Flea has responded — while getting a few good digs in! — but the overall genial tone of his response probably means that we’ve seen the end of this truly odd beef.

In an interview with NME, Flea attacks the intelligence of Fox News viewers before falling back into a live-and-let-live sentiment.

“I mean, you know, Fox News. I remember seeing a poll recently that [showed that] people who watch Fox News regularly know less about world affairs than people who watch no news at all. It’s clearly a funny program,” he said. “I don’t care. They’re all welcome to hate us. God bless ’em.”

The Five host Greg Gutfeld responded to Flea by being genuinely funny, for perhaps the first time in his career.

“I thought this was a really great example of how differences can be solved so easily by simply agreeing with me,” he said on the August 29 episode of the show.

Here’s where we point out that this whole back-and-forth got started because The Five wanted to trash-talk Flea’s attempts at spreading the word about gorilla conservation. They looked at a video of a gorilla playing a bass guitar and were like “Where can we get a dig in?” God bless ’em.