Your Arms Will Be Sore Just Watching This High Schooler Drain A Record-Setting 55 Straight Threes

Is there any athletic activity you could successfully accomplish 55 times in a row? Or 32 times in a row within a minute to set a record? Of course not. You’re bad at sports. Leach Church, however, is not.

She is committed to play for North Carolina State and could be the new Steph Curry. She buried 32 3-pointers in a minute to set a world record and made 55 in a row overall just for fun.

The video is pretty much self-explanatory but we like to hit a word count and have analysis that makes the post worth reading. So without further ado, here is an objective ranking of Church’s 32 makes from beyond the arc.

32. 7
31. 24
30. 32
29. 29
28. 30
27. 8
26. 15
25. 12
24. 6
23. 20
22. 17
21. 18
20. 19
19. 1
18. 4
17. 16
16. 22
15. 3
14. 10
13. 28
12. 27
11. 25
10. 26
9. 13
8. 14
7. 23
6. 21
5. 11
4. 2
3. 9
2. 5
1. 31

Feel free to rank the quality of her shots in the comments, although it seems like we have a definitive list right here.

(House Of Highlights)