Allen Iverson Lost To Stephen Colbert At Paper Basketball But Still Killed With His Oprah Joke

It’s been largely great to have Allen Iverson back in the spotlight for a minute surrounding his well-deserved induction in the Basketball Hall of Fame. It reminded us not just of the legendary and iconoclastic ballplayer he was, but of the engaging and often-hilarious personality he still is.

After his memorable induction speech, Iverson took to The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to discuss, among other things, idolizing Michael Jordan. (Because who didn’t?)

But the shocking part of AI’s appearance on Colbert happened up top, when he took the host on in a game of shooting crumpled up paper at a trash can. He lost, of course — you knew that when you clicked here — but he lost 6-0. Six to nothin’! Listen, Allen, I’m not going to be the one to tell you to practice, God knows we’ve been over that, but come on. You gotta show us something, Hall of Famer.

Of course, it’s obvious he doesn’t have his killer instinct anymore (though post-playing career, that’s probably a good thing), considering his wonderful self-deprecating joke when the Answer realized what was happening: “Oh my God, I’m Oh-fer Winfrey!” It took the audience a little bit to realize just what he said, but he deserved the laugh. Solid self-burn, AI.