There’s No Such Thing As A ‘First Lady Debate,’ But Jimmy Kimmel Asked People About It Anyway

Between former President Bill Clinton’s recent scuffle with the White House over Obamacare, and Melania Trump’s not-so-original speech at the Republican National Convention, it seems the Commission on Presidential Debates is forgetting something. No, not more vice-mansplainer-presidential debates with Sen. Tim Kaine and Gov. Mike Pence, but a face-off between the two people who may become the nation’s next FLOTUS. Or, in Bill’s case, the nation’s next FMOTUS. (This should be a thing.)

Never fear, for in the Commission’s absence, comedian Jimmy Kimmel has saved the day with yet another election-themed edition of “Lie Witness News.” And yeah, despite the fact that a “First Lady Debate” has — and probably never will — happen anytime soon in American political theater, random passersby on Hollywood Boulevard were too happy to claim otherwise. Highlights include:

  • Did Bill hold his own against Melania? “Yeah that’s an understatement, I would say.”
  • Who won the First Lady Debate? “Well, First Man Bill of course. Because he’s a cordial gentleman and he goes out of his way. And I just believe Melania probably plagiarized. She didn’t know what she was talking about.”
  • What did people think when Melania said, “My job is to stand by my husband, my amazing husband Barack, and my daughters Sasha and Malia”?
  • Did Lester Holt’s wife, Lesley Holt, do well as the debate moderator?
  • Which potential First Lady or Man had the “better recipe for oatmeal cookies”?

Also, this woman’s face:

God bless America! (No but seriously, FMOTUS should be Bill’s official title should Hillary Clinton win the election.)

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