OKC Fan Hits Half-Court Shot For $20,000; Congratulated By Jay Z

In the second time in as many games, an OKC fan hit a half-court shot and was awarded $20,000. Except this time, the fan got a special congratulations from HOVA himself, Jay Z, who was sitting court-side with his wife, Beyonce. We’re not sure what he was more excited about.

For a small-market team like the Thunder, they can’t afford to keep paying out $20,000 for every home game, so look for a more enfeebled selection for the Thunder’s next home game.

Still, this is a pretty cool moment, especially just a couple nights after another fan hit a 20K half-court shot in the last Thunder home game.

SI’s Ben Golliver tweeted this nifty stat about the accuracy of Thunder fans on half-court shots since March last season.


[vid via firstandskol]

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