What’s On Tonight: A Double Shot Of Hope And Happiness

Happy Endings (ABC, 9 p.m.) — The cancellation of Don’t Trust the B—- in Apartment 23 was doubled edged. Yes, we lose Dreama Walker, but we gain an extra half hour of Eliza Coupe. Get ’em while you can. There’s only 10 episodes left until what will probably be the series finale.

Raising Hope (Fox, 8 p.m.) — It’s a double shot of Raising Hope tonight, too, and the first episode I think will be the wedding of Jimmy and Sabrina, and the documentary crew from Modern Family are hired to take it. Hey! If you can’t beat them with Nielsen families, at least you can incorporate the sitcom into your own show. But no, the second episode does not feature the camera crew from The Office, sadly.

Justified (FX, 10 p.m.) — In case you haven’t kept up to speed on the background for this season’s mystery, check out the Wiki for Andrew C. Thornton II, the head of a drug-smuggling ring that inspired the Drew Thompson plotline. It is straight-up fascinating.

New Girl (Fox, 9 p.m.) — Tonight’s episode sees the return of the drinking game, True American. I wanna play True American while simultaneously playing Chardee Macdennis, and I’d be so drunk I wouldn’t know that none of the rules to either game make any goddamn sense.

Cougar Town (TBS, 10 p.m.) — Tom gets a girlfriend. More importantly, Tom gets his own plotline. Fun Fact: If Tom and Ted from Scrubs ever met in sitcom life, it would tear a hole in the space-time continuum.

Joe Schmo (Spike, 10 p.m.) — Has anyone caught this show? It originally ran in 2003-2004, and it’s about a guy who has been cast in a reality show, only there’s no reality show: Everyone else involved are actors. Spike TV brought it back starting a couple of weeks ago. I’m hearing good things, and it comes from Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese, the guys behind the spectacular Zombieland. I’m curious as hell.

LATE NIGHT LISTINGS: Letterman has Stallone and Al Gore; Whitney Cummings is on Leno (can that much awful exist in one hour?); there’s a couple of Kardashians on Jimmy Kimmel; Ferguson has Simon Helberg; Lucy Liu will be on Fallon; Melissa McCarthy is on Jon Stewart; and Dax Shepard is on Conan.