Dan Harmon Is Sorry About Being Honest About Season 4 Of Community

Earlier today, my totally righteous bro, Danger Guerrero, brought us the news that once-ousted and now un-ousted Community creator Dan Harmon was not a fan of the fourth season of the NBC sitcom. Now, it would be easy to say that Harmon didn’t like it because NBC had taken his baby away from him and he had to just sit there while it called someone else daddy.

But Harmon is a man of little restraint, and when speaking about the admittedly lacking fourth season on his podcast, Harmontown, the recently rehired showrunner understandably felt at home and let us know how he really felt.

I watched season four. I guess I already knew this, but apparently, I’m quite a genius … I think I feel pretty comfortable expressing any kind of “Eh, not my cup of tea” about it because – this has been expressed a thousand times over – it’s obviously not somebody doing what they do and trying very hard to make people happy. It is very much like an impression, and an unflattering one. It’s just 13 episodes of “Oh, I’m Dan Harmon! [stupid laugh]! Die Hard! [stupid laugh]” I feel like I’m going back to work tomorrow morning, and I just feel like, “Do I talk like that?”

And that was the nice excerpt. He also offered this colorful analogy:

“Watching those characters without me there was not f**king cool, man. It’s like flipping through Instagrams just watching your girlfriend just blow a million people.”

Of course, now that the monkey is out of the AC duct and Harmon’s quotes are being talked about from here to Deadline and every other GIF-posting site in between, he would like us to know that in Harmontown, the people talk a little more freely than they do in Respect-each-other-ville.



You know, it’s really easy to say that Season 4 of Community was boring and played it too safe, and it’s obviously even easier for Harmon to say it, because he knows what he wanted to do and had to watch while something else was done. But you can’t really crap all over the writers who replaced Harmon for simply trying to do jobs and make us happy in the process.

But that’s an entirely different discussion for a different day, and I’m distracted now anyway because writing this reminded me of this Alison Brie GIF…