Total Nonstop Inebriation

Thank goodness Kurt Angle is so intense, because he’s thrown integrity and intelligence out the window.

The four-time WWE Champion and 1996 Olympic gold medalist in freestyle wrestling was arrested in Virginia early Sunday morning on charges of driving under the influence. Again. From TMZ:

Law enforcement tells TMZ … Angle’s car was spotted by another driver … swerving between lanes on I-66. Angle was busted by Virginia State Troopers, who responded to the call, and taken to Warren County Jail.

He posted $2,000 bond and was released at 3:31 AM.

There are a lot of ellipses in the TMZ recap, so I don’t know how the arrest actually happened, but I am sad enough of a wrestling fan to know that this is Angle’s third arrest for driving when he shouldn’t since 2007; He was arrested at his Pennsylvania home in 2007 for DUI after almost running a lady over at a restaurant, and again in March of this year for “being in control of a motor vehicle while intoxicated” and failing a field sobriety test in North Dakota. It’s his second arrest as TNA/Impact Wrestling World Champion, a company that just released one of their biggest stars for doing the same thing. Impact Wrestling’s response to Angle’s arrest will be very telling, but keep in mind that the major advertising point for this week’s episode is the return of Jeff Hardy, the brother of the first guy they released for drunk driving, who asks the fans for “one last shot” despite awaiting trial for drug trafficking. So, uh.

You’d think a guy with an Olympic gold medal could avoid taking so many mugshots. We’ll have more information as the story gets sadder and sadder.