Notre Dame's Cam McDaniel Is College Football's 'Ridiculously Photogenic Tailback'

Getty photographer Jonathan Daniel deserves some sort of award for this photograph that he somehow inexplicably and miraculously captured of Notre Dame tailback Cam McDaniel during Saturday’s game against USC. First and foremost, Cam McDaniel is like the most Notre Dame football player name ever. It’s like it was produced by an online name generator that first churned out other names like Priest O’Farmbred and O’Brian Notredame.

But now this photo – an actual, honest to God photo – appears and it’s just ridiculous. Naturally, someone on Reddit dubbed McDaniel the “Ridiculously Photogenic Tailback” and Buzzfeed picked it up and ran with it as the “Ridiculously Photogenic Running Back,” and now every Tumbro on Tumblr is chipping in because we haven’t had a solid meme in quite some time.

So I decided to make my very own Ridiculous Photogenic Tailback pictures, because memes are fun and I’m a fun guy.