Shonda Rhimes Says She Knows How ‘Scandal’ Will End

Scandal showrunner Shonda Rhimes appeared on NPR this week to talk about her white hot ABC series. A lot of the interview focused on Kerry Washington’s casting and the political nature of the show, in general, but the moment that jumped out at most clickety-click-starved headline writers — [waves] — was the part where she discussed the eventual end of the series.

“But I feel like there is a finite amount of Scandal to be told,” she continues. “So I know what the end of Scandal will be, and I feel really good about that. And I can see where the end point is. And I don’t think I’m going to change that. … I know how long I think it will be. But we’ll see.” [NPR]

We will see, mostly because she admitted in a different part of the interview that she had an endpoint for Grey’s Anatomy in her mind once upon a time, too, but “then we kept going, so that I finally just had to write that and move past it.” So who knows? Not me, that’s for sure. I’m just a guy with a blog who’s currently checking shady off-shore gambling sites to see if any of them will let me put all my money on “Scandal will end with Quinn acquiring plutonium and turning Washington into a smoking, radiation-filled crater for no reason at all because Quinn and her fantasy-camp-serial-killer schtick are the wooooorrrrrrrssstttttt.” See you on Easy Street, suckers.

[Photo via ABC]