The Stupidest Truck Commercial Ever Made

Of all the various products that inevitably have stupid commercials (beer, banks, erection medicine), no product is more consistently advertised to numbskulls quite like trucks. And of all the stupid truck commercials out there, none piss me off more than the Nissan Frontier ad where a plane with a stuck landing gear is saved by a truck that can apparently travel 150 miles an hour, have a fully loaded jumbo jet fall into its bed, and continue at the same speed (video below). In tiny watermarked letters, the ad states:

Fictionalization. Do not attempt.

I just… it’s all so insulting — to me as a consumer, to reasonable people, and to the laws of physics. I HATE IT SO MUCH. Nissan may as well have made an ad where the Frontier swims around at a dolphin show, does flips out of the water, and catches herring in its grill. That’s just as farcically impossible, but at least there would be dolphins.

I never thought I’d say this, but I actually miss Howie Long telling guys that they have sissy trucks.