Kanye West Showed Up At #OccupyWallStreet Today, For Some Reason

Because the downtrodden masses finally rising up against a corrupt system to protest the lack of a wall separating corporation and state needed to be legitimized by a petulant multimillionaire who pompously glorifies his wealth and excessive lifestyle in song, a gold chain-wearing Kanye West showed up at the Occupy Wall Street protests today in downtown Manhattan.

According to various reports, West, accompanied by Russell Simmons, made a blink-and-you’d-miss-him stop downtown about an hour ago and barely stayed long enough to cause a whimper. It was almost as if he just wanted to be able to say he showed up there or something. Imagine that! Couldn’t he have at least performed “Golddigger” for the assembled protesters?

Still, by dropping in for a hot minute West joins the likes of Susan Sarandon, Jeff Mangum, Michael Moore, and Talib Kweli as celebrities who’ve toured the demonstration area. The pics below were snapped by financial reporter Julia La Roche and posted to her Twitter account…

In other Occupy Wall Street news, Geraldo Rivera and his Fox News crew were run off by an angry mob. Typical Monday in NYC.
