Let’s Talk This Week’s Geeky TV: ‘Arrow’ Has A Sudden Yet Inevitable Betrayal

Last week on Arrow‘s 100th episode, Ollie was tossed into an alternate reality where he never went to the island, never became a gangster/ninja, and was going to marry Laurel. Fortunately, he managed to shake it off, and now just has to deal with one of his team members being a traitor. Much easier!

To recap what we know so far, Quentin is either going full Tyler Durden by getting blackout drunk and becoming Prometheus, or somebody who is deeply, creepily obsessed with Ollie is framing him. Evelyn turns out to be working with Prometheus, because, you know, recruiting an incredibly unstable and violent person you first met killing people using your ex’s alias was always going to pan out well. Oh, and also, as we see Ollie join the Bratva, the reporter he keeps flirting with is working out his mob ties.

So, yeah, before it wraps up its midseason finale, Arrow has a lot of questions to answer, some of which we assume will be left open-ended since, well, we’ve got another fourteen episodes to the season. Besides, this is Arrow; drama is almost as important as archery. We’ll curse Evelyn’s sudden but inevitable betrayal tonight at 8pm EDT on the CW. Join us, won’t you?