Fill Any Netflix-Sized Hole In Your Heart With This Video Game Starring Pablo Escobar & Mike Wheeler

It’s Netflix’s time, not ours. The red menace decides when we binge even if mass watching sends their service sparking into flames and melted old Corey Feldman experiments. It’s a sick hold that Netflix has on us, but it’s cool because we get Narcos out of the deal so it’s win-WIN as far as sick holds go.

As an early January treat, Netflix has knocked out a retro-inspired video game offering that has Marco Polo, Pablo Escobar, Piper Chapman and Mike Wheeler rubbing elbows together in the name of promotional funzos. Presumably this is the closest will come to an Orange Is The New Black meets Stranger Things crossover, but “bold” moves can happen in later seasons.

The game itself is nothing revolutionary, but more than does the trick as a fun novelty that plunks familiar faces in a Super Mario Run style distraction. You could certainly do worse for options when filling time between seasons. (Take that, reading!) Play it and let us know what you think in the comments. Or shout your thoughts from a hot air balloon if that’s more your style. Also, no we don’t know if there’s a secret option to play as Kimmy Gibbler.

(Via Polygon)