Donald Trump Can’t Even Find Victory For His Travel Ban In ‘The People’s Court’ On ‘SNL’

We almost made it through all of Alec Baldwin’s historic SNL without one appearance by Donald Trump. It either would’ve been the ultimate troll job or a welcome surprise, but we got neither of those options. Instead, the show sends Trump to The People’s Court to work out his legal issues over his travel ban. It doesn’t work out too well.

We get another appearance by Grim Reaper Steve Bannon in the background, sitting behind Trump’s sons and giving Vladimir Putin a warm welcome during his appearance later in the trial. It doesn’t do the president any good. He just can’t seem to get past those pesky “so-called” federal judges that keep blocking his travel ban. If they dress Steve Bannon up like Dick Dastardly next week, it’ll all make a lot of sense.

Honestly, this one pales in comparison to the other Trump sketch we got on the night. It barely features Alec Baldwin’s character and might hint at the future where Baldwin finally stops playing the president on the show. That or it was just looking for a way to make Trump more uncomfortable than he already reportedly was after last week.

You know he’s probably still watching.

(Via SNL)