Check Out How Similar This ‘The Walking Dead’ Scene Was To The Comic Book

The Walking Dead television show has always had an interesting relationship with the comic book it draws its inspiration from. While many characters and storylines have been lifted from the comics in past seasons, there have been so many divergences and switch ups from the source material that even the most knowledgeable reader of the Robert Kirkman comic books couldn’t be sure what might happen next on the show.

That’s why it’s been somewhat surprising that season seven of The Walking Dead flipped that formula on its head and has been remarkably faithful to the events taking place with Rick’s gang and Negan’s saviors between issues 100 to 120. The latest scene that was lifted almost completely intact from the comic was this week’s episode 15 moment where Negan saves Sasha from a would-be Savior rapist. Take a look:

As similar as the two versions are, you may have noticed that isn’t Sasha in the comic books. That’s because Sasha doesn’t exist in the comics, only on the show. In the comics, it is a character named Holly who is captured by the Saviors. But that’s not really possible in the show because Holly (a resident of Alexandria that never got much screen time) was killed by Wolves in season six.

So that gives you another little glimpse of how similar yet different The Walking Dead show and comic can be from each other. But overall, the showrunners seem to be working hard at taking worlds that were once radically different and pushing them back to a more recognizable place. And not to spoil anything, but if this trend continues for season seven, it’s going to be one hell of a wild ride.
