Stephen Colbert Tries His Best To Hide His Super Secret Russian Trip On ‘The Late Show’

Stephen Colbert made plenty of headlines once he revealed that he was in Russia, trolling President Trump in the process and allegedly garnering some attention from several different intelligence agencies. He joked about it being a secret trip on Monday’s Late Show, but then someone ratted him out and posted about it on Twitter:

His show kicked off with a scene from Russia, with Colbert attempting to ward off folks by pretending he’s in New York. He plops on a Yankees cap, grabs a delicious New York hot dog, and holds up a copy he printed of the latest New York Times. It almost worked until he was confronted by someone and then his cameraman stabbed in him in the back by panning to show some of the iconic Russian architecture in the background.

Colbert says he just returned from his trip today, cutting it down to the line to get back and host the show on Monday. He also takes a moment to talk about his fine appearance on Russian late night TV.

As he reveals with his first desk statement, his visit to Russia isn’t just for one special episode, but an entire week of segments that he filmed during his travels. We can likely expect plenty of jokes about Donald Trump, plenty of guys with star tattoos ominously following his every move, and plenty of vodka. He calls it a strange place to visit, especially compared to the United States, but it’s almost like he’s talking about North Korea or some place when he says that. It should be an interesting week.

(Via The Late Show)