‘The Not Ready For Primetime SNL Podcast’ On The Ryan Gosling-Hosted Season Premiere

Hello, and welcome to the first episode of the new season of the Not Ready For Primetime SNL Podcast (and our 93rd episode overall), where Rolling Stone’s Ryan McGee and I break down every sketch from the latest SNL. And this week, it’s the season premiere, hosted by Ryan Gosling. Now, Ryan (McGee, not Gosling) and I have been doing this podcast since 2012, but now we are officially part of the Uproxx network of podcasts so we get our own little post right here to promote it.

Anyway, if you like SNL (Ryan and I like SNL) you should listen. If you’d like to subscribe in iTunes (we’d be really happy if you did), you can do that right here.

And if you want to just listen now, here’s where you can do that:

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