The Pelicans Are Jazzing Up Their Jerseys With A Zatarain’s Sponsorship Patch

The introduction of NBA jersey sponsorship patches this season as the league introduced new Nike uniforms, created to specifically have space on the left shoulder area for ads, has brought about an interesting array of sponsors.

Plenty of companies have forked over big money to land that coveted real estate on the front of NBA jerseys, however some are more natural fits than others. For instance, Orlando has Disney, Cleveland has Goodyear, and Milwaukee has Harley-Davidson, all companies that are well-known for having their hubs in those cities. There are also those that aren’t quite as natural, or at least as well-known (which, I guess is the point of the sponsorship is to make that correlation).

However, joining the list of great fits between team and sponsor are the New Orleans Pelicans, who announced on Wednesday morning a new deal to put the Zatarain’s logo on the front of their jerseys.

Zatarain’s is a famous New Orleans-based food company, best known for their rice mixes, so it makes perfect sense that they would be a sponsorship fit for the Pelicans. It’s unknown how much the deal is worth, but one would anticipate it being in the $4-5 million range based off of what teams in similar markets have received for jersey patches. Zatarain’s will now be unmissable for those going to Pelicans games, even if you don’t drive by the giant Zatarain’s mural off Poydras.