Blake Griffin Poked Fun At His Adopted Hometown With ‘Sh*t LA People Say’

Blake Griffin is in his eighth year with the Los Angeles Clippers this season, so he’s certainly gotten to know the LA area by now. That means he can do a pretty good impression of the various Los Angelenos he’s heard around him over the years. For example, just because I haven’t heard someone say “you guys have to have hemp milk” doesn’t mean he hasn’t heard it dozens of times.

Griffin parodied some of his favorite lines in a Facebook video called “Sh*t LA People Say” that he posted on his page on Thursday. The video is an attempt to say with a straight face some of the more absurd things people say in public in LA. But many times, Griffin simply can’t even.

“It’s my passion project,” Griffin says, taking on a self-satisfied tone of the one person you know who says this. A few of the lines do make Griffin crack up after he says them, though.

“Should I post this on my burner account?” Griffin asks, somehow making fun of an entire city instead of Kevin Durant.

My favorite part is where he tries his various sounds used to express disgust. He’s a true pro. Griffin signed a lucrative extension to stay in Los Angeles instead of test free agency this summer. So it’s clear that he loves the city, even if some of the people who live there get under his skin.