Seth Meyers Has The Answer For A Sexual Predator’s Sleepless Night

With so much of the news cycle focused on horrific accounts and allegations of sexual assault, it’s a tricky landscape for late night hosts to navigate. However, some have managed to find a sweet spot between the comedy that people expect and a sharp social narrative. No one has managed that better than Late Night With Seth Meyers, and Thursday night’s episode is no different.

In a fake commercial reminiscent of Meyer’s former home SNL, sexual predators are finally given the drug that will help them temporarily forget their terrible behavior and help them achieve the sweet sleep of the unencumbered conscience: Pervatol! After a series of men admit to worse and worse grossness as the video goes on, the female narrator gets increasingly frustrated, before breaking into a truly inspiring threat:

“Pervatol is effective as a sleep aid only. Pervatol in no way, shape, or form can erase your history of sexual assault and harassment and can not absolve you of your guilt and shame. In fact, those who take Pervatol should be aware that within our current climate, these accusations will come out soon than later. Now that victims are no longer afraid to speak up, we are going to take down the patriarchy and make you watch as it burns! I swear to God, we’re coming for every last one of you, so you might as well get some sleep. With Pervatol!”

Bring. It. On.