‘Westworld’ Fans Were Thrilled At The Little Touches That Make Shogun World A Perfect Delos Alternative


Slight spoilers for Westworld

Westworld has teased Shogun World since before the first episode even aired. The suit of samurai armor in the Delos labs under Westworld promised something else, another world of (possibly) many that could offer whatever experience guests could dream up. Now we’ve visited the “East,” and we’ve learned that everything that’s different, when created by Delos, is the same.

This is in large part due to Delos stretching its story writers thin. We see that Shogun World essentially has carbon-copies of the Westworld hosts, and when their paths collide, there’s confusion, and then bonding. From the geishas that Maeve sees in her own story/life/programming, to the actions within the den of pleasure that echo her experiences (right down to the safe nearly crushing her just like in Sweetwater), these doppelgangers have pushed the story further than we’ve seen in weeks.

The evolution of the host programming isn’t unique to Westworld, and Maeve is finally coming into her own after readjusting her strength at the end of season one. In typical Nolan fashion, the unexpected should be expected, and Maeve is a sort of android psychic now, able to use telepathy to control those who threaten her.

Oh, and what people will likely be talking about the most — Wu Tang’s C.R.E.A.M. was covered during a geisha dance that included a dab.



