AOC Fired Back At Sarah Palin’s ‘Fake Feminist’ Insult (And Raised A Ton Of Pro-Choice Dollars In The Process)

By this point, Republicans should know that gunning for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is never going to end well for them. Her social media game is a brutally efficient machine when it comes to serving out dunks, which Sarah Palin quickly found out the hard way.

During an appearance on Wednesday’s Fox News Primetime, Palin responded to AOC blasting Texas Governor Greg Abbott over his controversial abortion ban. “I don’t know if he is familiar with a menstruating person’s body,” AOC said in reference to the law banning abortions after six weeks when most people don’t even know if they’re pregnant yet. “Six weeks pregnant means two weeks late for your period.”

Palin took issue with AOC bringing menstruation into the discussion, even though it’s a central part of the pregnancy process, and accused the New York congresswoman of being “such a fake feminist” who is “milking the whole female thing.” Palin then went on to refer to herself as a “real feminist” who’s embarrassed for AOC.

On Thursday morning, AOC fired back with a video message to Palin where she announced the creation of a new hotline specifically for the former Alaska governor and failed vice presidential candidate. The number? 1-800-CRY-NOW.

You can see AOC’s response to Palin below:

AOC then took things a step further by creating a 1-800-CRY-NOW website, which led to a donation page for “abortion and reproductive health providers in Texas.” In a matter of minutes, the site raised over $250,000 to keep abortion access going in Texas (ironically, thanks to Sarah Palin).

(Via Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter)