Dr. Oz Looks Increasingly Likely To Get His Ass Handed To Him By John Fetterman In The PA Senate Race

Dr. Oz continues to lose ground in the PA senate race against Lt. Governor John Fetterman. Oz narrowly won the Republican primary to became the party nominee, and that low-level of enthusiasm has not improved as Fetterman continues to relentlessly hammer the TV doctor for being a New Jersey resident. According to the latest polls, Fetterman now has an 11-point lead on Oz, who is failing to get Republican voters in the state to warm up to his campaign. Via Fox News:

A big problem for Oz is consolidating GOP support. By a 16-point margin, fewer Republicans stay loyal to him (73%) than Democrats to Fetterman (89%). Same story on favorable ratings, as many more Democrats view Fetterman positively (88%) than Republicans view Oz (67%).

Just 35% of those backing Oz say they support him enthusiastically, while 45% have reservations. For Fetterman, 68% back him enthusiastically and only 18% hesitate.

As Fox News notes, Oz is failing to overcome concerns that he’s a “carpetbagger from New Jersey,” which has been a focal point of Fetterman’s campaign messaging. While voters are also concerned about Fetterman after he had a recent stroke during the primary, “twice as many are concerned Oz isn’t familiar enough with the state to be an effective senator.” In short, the trolling appears to be working.

Along with attempting to get Oz inducted into the New Jersey Hall of Fame, Fetterman has enlisted the help of celebrities from the garden state to troll the TV physician. Snooki from Jersey Shore got in the action, and more recently, The Sopranos star Steven Van Zandt made a video telling Oz to “fuhgeddaboudit” and “come on back to Jersey where you belong.”

(Via Fox News)