And All The King’s Horses And All The King’s Meat…

The Morning Meat is our morning link dump that just got out of rehab for the thirteenth time. Send us tips at, follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook. Sign up for our daily email (see the sidebar) and take one more gander at the Uproxx Holiday Guide. And then take a break, because that’s a lot of stuff.

The Seattle Seahawks fanbase may or may not have caused an earthquake during their playoff game Saturday.
Last Angry Fan.

So…is that Verizon iPhone really coming out tonight?

Here’s a well-produced rundown of product placement in film. It’s a good vid…and thorough.

This is titled “Six Hilariously Botched Suicide Attempts.” I personally don’t think there’s anything funny about suicide, but they send us traffic, so here you are.
Fork Party.

This guy is going to eat 2,011 wings this year. That’s about 35 wings a week, to say nothing of the accompanying beer and potato wedges.

The best thing about these retro Air Jordans could very well be the box. Fresh…respected.
THE Smoking Section.

Corgis with computers. Even the Mac corgis are adorable.
Warming Glow.

Anything titled “Africanized Honey Bees Are Angry Drunks” gets a link.
Gamma Squad.

People think this woman on the “quiet car” on the Amtrak is crazy, but I’m with her. What part of “quiet” is so unclear?
NY Mag.

If you haven’t checked out Dan Shanoff’s new “Quickish” page, it’s worth a few minutes of your time.

It takes a bigger man to cry, and the Chiefs’ Shaun Smith is a very, very big man.
SB Nation.

Leave it to Nate Silver to discuss Saturday’s Tucson shootings with a level head.
Five Thirty Eight.

If any of you have wasted days of your life playing “Angry Birds” on iPhone or iPad, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that the creators of “Birds” are making a board game. The bad news is that the creators of “Birds” are making a board game.
G4 TV.

A profile on pro wrestling’s “Ravishing Rick Rude” that I’m not afraid to call a must-read.

I saw Earl Boykins play at Eastern Michigan, and I STILL didn’t realize that this was his middle name.