A Surfing Dog Granted A Wish For A 15-Year Old With Brain Cancer And Whoops We’re Sobbing

In case you were looking to burst into tears randomly throughout the day, meet Caleb Acosta from Apopka, Florida. Caleb is 15-years old and was diagnosed with stage four brain cancer back in the summer of 2013.

If you need evidence of how cool this kid is, his Make-A-Wish wish request was to surf with a surfing dog. Here’s a clip of Caleb surfing with Richochet The Surfing, Make-A-Wish-Granting Dog (!!) set to the saddest song possible. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be over here in the corner addressing my severe allergies.

Here’s a little more information from the press release, which we got from an organization called “Paw Inspired.” Yep.

When Make-A-Wish® asked what he wished for, he said “I saw this cool dog on ESPN that surfs with kids who are disabled or have special needs, I wish that one day I could surf with her.” The wheels were set in motion via Ricochet’s website at https://www.surfdogricochet.com, and his wish was granted on Wednesday, February 12th.

Because the cancer spread to his spine, Caleb arrived to the beach in a wheelchair. Blowing a kiss to his mom, he was helped from his chair into the ocean and onto the board by Ricochet’s team of water helpers.

With Ricochet positioned behind him, she gave him the balance he needed as they were pitched on a number of waves. Caleb’s huge, infectious smile said it all as he flew through the waves feeling a sense of freedom, “It was super fun. I felt almost normal… finally. It felt really good to be free, not worrying about anything and having someone to be my balance”, Caleb said when asked about the experience.

With microphones from several news stations surrounding her, Caleb’s mother Cathy was brought to tears and said “I’m just so happy to see my son happy. Today is a great day for our family.” Everyone on the beach felt the magic of this wish and the electrifying positive energy of Caleb. He is an inspiration.

If that wasn’t enough …

Caleb’s goal is to beat this cancer and tell everyone how he beat it. He believes God has a plan for him and anything is possible. So Ricochet asks if you can please share this inspirational video of his memorable surfing wish, and also say a prayer for him.