Turns Out Courtney Love Wrote Kurt Cobain’s ‘B*tch With Zits’ Note

It was apparent to anyone who had ever heard a Nirvana song, watched a Nirvana interview, or read a Kurt Cobain profile that the note found at the scene of his suicide, which tells of a “bitch with zits” who siphons “money for doping and whoring,” was sarcastic as all hell.

Turns out, however, it wasn’t Kurt who wrote it — it was Courtney.

Love confirms that she is the author of the note, a private, caustic joke about a sexist media that hero-worshipped Cobain while vilifying his wife, a talented artist in her own right. “Obviously I wrote it – don’t you guys understand sarcasm?” The media, she says, are just as culpable in this morbid witch-hunt as the truthers. “It endangers me, and it endangers Frances.” (Via)

Leave Frances out of this. She’s doing just fine, dating someone who looks like her dead dad.

Via the Guardian