What If Disney Illustrators Drew Your Favorite ‘Game Of Thrones’ Characters?

A Disney version of Game of Thrones is a thing that should never, ever happen. But that isn’t stopping a pair of artists from imagining what Westeros’ characters would look like if drawn by Mickey Mouse’s team of illustrators.

We previously brought your attention to Fernando Mendonça’s Disney-fied versions of Tyrion Lannister and Jon Snow, but the Brazilian artist has since added drawings of Arya Stark and The Hound, Cersei Lannister, Bram and Hodor, and a (very Frozen) White Walker. Meanwhile, illustrator Anderson Mahanski has pitched in a Mickey Mouse version of Dany and one of her offspring.

You can see more of Fernando and Anderson’s work at their Deviantart pages (nandomendonssa and andersonmahanski, respectively).