Dear FOX News: Don’t Mess with the Muppets (and The Morning Links)

During a British press conference for The Muppets, Kermit and Miss Piggy responded to recent allegations by Fox News that they are left wing propagandists. Miss Piggy turns on the news network and absolutely owns them.

Ron Paul Secures the Coveted Snoop Dogg Endorsement — The people who write Ron Paul’s newsletters would not approve. [Uproxx]

Trailer for Bobcat Goldthwaite’s New Movie God Bless America — You must see this trailer. It’s about serial killers who take out idiots. I swear to you, I actually clapped three times while watching it and stopped just short of giving it a standing ovation at my desk. [FilmDrunk]

It’s the Last Temptation of Tim Tebow — I don’t want to give too much credit to Tim Tebow, but if he could escape the University of Florida as the most popular football player in the nation without getting his hang low stinky, I don’t think Kim Kardashian will be much of a challenge to his man hymen. [With Leather]

Ferris Bueller’ And 9 Memorable Movie Parody Commercials — The only one this list is missing is the memory-raping Breakfast Club inspired Back to School commercial for JCPenney’s. Hey, hey, hey, HEY. [Screen Junkies]

Overachieving Graphene Has Yet Another Use: Strengthening Booze: I’ll be honest: I didn’t understand a word of this post until Robopanda got to the part about making vodka stronger. [Gamma Squad]

25 of TV and Film’s Finest Villains Looking Downright Adorable — You have not lived until you’ve seen that motherf**king c**kscuer Al Swearengen dripping with cute kittens. [Pajiba]

Middle Finger Supercut — Here’s a supercut of cinematic middle fingers. I really hate the way that Molly Ringwald flips the bird. [Daily What]

Believe It Or Not, The Pro Bowl Wasn’t Terrible: The Game In Pictures: I calculated once that I watch over 200 hours of live football each year, and yet I still manage to miss the Pro Bowl every single year. Burnsy’s got us covered. [With Leather]