There’s A Shot-For-Shot Iranian Remake Of ‘Modern Family’ (Minus The Gay Characters)

Earlier this week, we told you about the Russian version of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, which substitutes Coors Light for vodka and Thunder Gun Express for Putin It In Her, probably. It’s great…unlike the unauthorized Iranian remake of Modern Family, Haft Sang (translation: Seven Stones), which follows the ABC series shot-for-shot, except for the scenes with gay characters.

[Mitch and Cam’s] parts have either been written out or given a heterosexual makeover as Iranian TV tries to translate the appeal of the ABC hit show within the strict religious guidelines of an Iranian theocratic state. Other characters have also had their genders changed to avoid depicting pre-marital mixing of men and women to Iranian audiences. (Via)

That’s bad, but a shared hatred of Manny being the first step toward U.S./Iran peace? That’s good.

Via Gay Star News