A Town In Wisconsin Is Dealing With A 600,000 Gallon ‘Liquid Manure’ Spill

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Hey, how is your week going? Oh, not too great? Huh. I’m sorry to hear that. But look at the bright side: at least you don’t live southern Door County in Wisconsin.

The Department of Natural Resources calls it one of the biggest spills in recent years. More than 600,000 gallons of liquid manure spilled Tuesday night, at the Kurt DeGrave farm in southern Door County, near Brussels. [Fox11]

Two things:

  • 600,000 gallons of liquid manure is too many gallons of liquid manure
  • “Liquid manure”

What say you, local DNR Spill Coordinator Beth Erdman?

“Right now, we’re just vacuuming and recovering the liquid manure that is still free-flowing. From there, we’re going to look at bringing some pressurized water to flush the areas that have a lot of solids, and collect that with the same vacuum trucks,” said Beth Erdman, DNR Spill Coordinator.

Two more things:

  • You can tell you’ve been in the spill coordination biz a while when you’re comfortable showing up on camera in dope-ass Aviators to discuss “free-flowing” liquid manure and blasting solid chunks of poo with a water cannon.
  • Apparently “Spill Coordinator” is a real job you can apply for and everything. Who knew? (“What do you do?” “I’m an accountant. You?” “I coordinate spills.” “Wow. What kind of spills?” “Funny you should ask…”)

The good news here is that none of the runaway manure has gotten into the waterways, so the drinking water and wildlife appears to be safe. The bad news is that the cleanup is expected to last through the week, at least. So keep the people of southern Door County in your thoughts for the next few days. This must really stink for them.

(Nailed it.)