Shame On Matt Damon For Not Sending Jennifer Love Hewitt A Thank You Note For The Bed She Sent Him

Way back in the day, after Matt Damon and Ben Affleck blew up on the scene with Good Will Hunting, Jennifer Love Hewitt was working on Party of Five when she read a magazine article about Matt Damon. In that article, Damon said that he felt like all of his dreams were coming true, but that he didn’t feel like he had a bed of his own because of all the projects and all the traveling.

Jennifer Love Hewitt, though she was only 19 or 20, understood Matt Damon’s pain. She felt bad for him, for what she thought was one of the “saddest” things she’s ever heard. So, what does JLoHo do? That sweet woman bought him an AeroBed. How thoughtful of her, right? And well, she had it sent to Matt Damon. In his hotel. In Paris.

For some reason, however, Matt Damon never sent Jennifer Love Hewitt a thank you card to acknowledge the sweet gesture from someone he must have thought was A CRAZY LADY who was trying to suggest something more lascivious.

Still, misguided though it was, it was awfully sweet of her.

Source: Jimmy Kimmel Live