The SF Giants Mascot Battle Royal, Or 'Giant Seal Doesn't Know How To Work'

As regular readers of the site know, I have a deep, undying love for two things most people consider creepy or for babies — mascots and pro wrestling. To date, I am the only person in the world to have pictures with both Southpaw of the Lynchburg Hillcats and GHC Heavyweight Champion Takeshi Morishima.

So you might be able to figure out on your own that a video of a bunch of mascots having a battle royal outside of AT&T Park is extremely relevant to my interests and, at least to me, probably the funniest sh*t ever. It starts with Mr. Wrestling #4 being tasked to train “all of [my] favorite bay area mascots”, devotes a little time to beating up a fake Phillie Phanatic and makes me laugh against all better judgement at giant inflatable seal entering the ring to Puffy Daddy’s ‘Come With Me’. Watching Seal Zilla and the Crazy Crab try to navigate ring ropes is my new favorite thing.

The star of the match is primary Giants mascot Lou Seal, who pins the Phillie Faux-natic with a Superfly Splash from the top rope, unceremoniously dumps Lil’ Seal under the bottom rope and gorilla presses the Crazy Crab to the outside. He’s legitimately better at this than a lot of people making a living wrestling on television.

The only way this could’ve been better is if Dragon Dragon had shown up. Thank you for making my Thursday better, San Francisco Giants.

[h/t Peter Holby]