Golf, Suddenly Super F**king Weird

The U.S. Open went down this weekend, and in case you didn’t get the memo, golf is suddenly the weirdest f**king thing ever.

Example one: PGA fans taking the random Tiger Woods swing-shouting (“MASHED POTATOES”, “YEAH PLAYA”, etc.) to another level by screaming YABBA DABBA DOO during Graeme McDowell’s* shot on the 15th. Most people know Fred Flintstone could bowl, but don’t forget that he was also a championship golfer. Not sure when Fred became a big Graeme McDowell fan, or how he’s still alive in 2012. 99% sure that’s not the real Fred Flintstone.

Example two: U.S. Open winner Webb Simpson was being interviewed by Bob Costas, and they were interrupted by a guy in a Union Jack mohawk winter hat doing bird calls. No, seriously:

I think my favorite part of that video is the Michael Scott looking dude in the background who is so unbelievably disappointed by what’s happening. Just the saddest face.

*Suggested Flintstones name for Graeme McDowell: Granite RockDowell

[Videos via Bob’s Blitz]