Your Tweets Are Worth About $560 In Box Office Revenue, According To A New Study

It’s no secret that Hollywood loves to use social media as an advertising tool for new feature films, but what are we worth to them? How much does a single tweet for a new movie really equate to in real box office dollars? According to a new study, somewhere around $560.

A single tweet on average can add $560 to a film’s opening weekend, according to a new study that Networked Insights shared with Variety. Yet the value of that same message fluctuates significantly in the final weeks before a movie premieres. (Via)

As the report continued:

Four weeks before the release — when studio campaigns typically kick into high gear — a moviegoer’s tweet is worth $713 on average in additional box office revenue, Networked Insights found. That declines to $161 a week before the film bows.

The value varies by genre, with tweets for animated family films faring better because they represent multiple ticket holders, taking into account younger audiences who aren’t as active on Twitter. (Via)

There you have it. Your tweets are indeed worth some cash to the Hollywood studios, and with that kind of worth, maybe we can all use our power to get some free popcorn at the concession stand.

Via Variety