Watch Two New Clips From The Robo-Sexin’ Movie ‘Ex Machina’

The creepy-sexy, man falls in love with robot tale, Ex Machina arrives in American theaters this week, and we have a couple clips to whet your appetite for the upcoming uncomfortable robot sexiness.

The clip above is the first meeting between Caleb (Domhnall Gleeson) and Ava (Alicia Vikander with the help of a lot of CGI). We’ve seen most of this scene before, but this is a slightly extended look.

Below we have Caleb and Nathan (Oscar Isaac) discussing whether Ava was programmed to flirt, and the laws of attraction. Warning, there aren’t any dirty words, but the dialogue in this clip might be a bit edgy for the workplace.

Ex Machina is written and directed by Alex Garland, who has previous written movies like 28 Days Later and Dredd. The movie has already been released in England and at festivals, where it’s received some very nice reviews. If you have more questions about the movie, check out this piece.